Welcome to St Peter's RC Primary School

St Peter's R.C. Primary SchoolYsgol Gynradd Gatholig Pedr Sant

Keys to the futureAllweddi L'r Dyfodol

Reporting absence

If your child is unable to attend school for any reason, parents/guardians must ensure the school office is informed before the beginning of the school day.

  1. Call the school office on 02920 497847 or email
  2. Give the full name of your child, their year group and class teacher
  3. Explain the nature of their absence. If possible, state when your child will be expected to return to school.


NB: Vomiting/Diarrhea - your child must be 48 hours clear of vomiting and/or diarrhea before they return to school to avoid further spread of infection.


Thank you for your consideration.
